StThTr 23/2 (2020)

Tanulmányok / Research articles

Nacionalizmus a Szentek Életében?
Nationalism in the Lives of the Saints?


Gyulafehérvári Római Katolikus Érsekség / Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Alba Iulia

Gyulafehérvár / Alba Iulia (Romania)


  • nationalism; all brothers; national identity; blessed Veronica Antal; csango; Mother Teresa of Calcutta;


  • Is there nationalism in the lives of the saints? The definition of "nation" in the Hungarian Catholic Lexicon (Magyar Katolikus Lexikon, vol. IX. Budapest 2004,703) is as follows: "In Oriental thought the most important elements of the nation are common ancestry, language, history and culture; in Western thought it is common territory, institutions and the will to belong together. Nationalism is the exaggeration of the national character". Every Christian is first and foremost a child of God. And all God's children are equal, as the title or beginning of Pope Francis' encyclical "Fratelli tutti" = All are Brothers (after St Francis of Assisi) expresses. It is natural for nations to venerate their own saints. It is also understandable that they want to increase the number of their saints: they also include foreigners who have lived or worked in their country. There have also been dictatorships in which nationality was calculated by analysing surnames. But this is unfair. In fact, three factors play an important role in a person's nationality: the mother tongue, the culture and, above all, the self-image of each individual. The latter is the most important. Regardless of language and culture, everyone has the right to claim a nationality. However, this does not mean denying one's past or one's origins, as was the case with the beatification of Veronica Antal, virgin with perpetual vows, martyr of chastity (1935-1958), "Moldavian Catholic" (i.e. "csángó", who were partly Szekler-Hungarian immigrants from Transylvania to Moldavia in the 18th century). The thesis of this study is that there is no nationalism in the lives of the saints, but only the human attempt to claim a particular saint for one's own people.

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Nagycsütörtök mint az árulás emléknapja (is): I. Szentmise 
Maundy Thursday as a Day of Remembrance (also) of the Betrayal: II. Holy Mass

Babeş–Bolyai Tudományegyetem / Babeş–Bolyai University

Kolozsvár – Gyulafehérvár / Cluj-Napoca – Alba Iulia (Romania)


  • Maundy Thursday; Judas Iscariot; Judas Prefation; quem in hac nocte inter sacras epulas; Judas' kiss; officium tenebrarum; Judas' responsories; amicus meus;


  • Maundy Thursday is not only the commemoration of the institution of the Lord's Supper (coena domini). It includes "the betrayal of Judas and the arrest of Jesus, as well as the denial by Peter, the accusation before the Sanhedrin and the delivery to the Gentiles, to Pilate" (Homily of Pope Benedict XVI, Holy Thursday Mass, 5 April 2012, St John Lateran Basilica). This study looks at Judas Iscariot, the betrayer of Jesus, in the liturgy of Holy Thursday. His portrait is presented on the basis of liturgical texts. For this purpose, the most important textual witnesses of the Eucharistic celebration of this feast in the history of the liturgy (e.g. the Judas Preface) as well as the relevant Judas Responsories for the Matins of the same day (Officium tenebrarum) from the Breviarium Romanum are examined and evaluated in more detail.

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Teológiai érvelések, hitoktatás és misztériumábrázolás a 18. századi csíksomlyói ferences színpadon (2.)
Theological Argumentations, Religious Education, and Mystery Representation on the Franciscan Stage of Csíksomlyó in the 18th Century (2.)


Pázmány Péter Katolikus Egyetem / Pázmány Péter Catholic University

Budapest (Hungary)


  • Csíksomlyó; Joannes Kájoni; Franciscan Grammar School; mystery; passion drama; drama of the Assumption; drama for Corpus Christi Day; Heavenly Trial; doctrine of the Trinity;


  • In the grammar school of Csíksomlyó (Șumuleu Ciuc), a Franciscan site of Marian pilgrimage in Transylvania, 104 school plays were produced by the pupils between 1721 and 1786. These were predominantly mysteries in the vernacular: Good-Friday Passions, Judgement-Day Dramas and the odd play for Corpus Christi Day or the Assumption. This annual tradition of education as well as pastoral care preserved the characteristics of mediaeval West European mysteries for the longest time and in the farthest geographical location. This paper addresses the question of how these mysteries presented theological or dogmatic facts as staged Poor Man's Bibles, that is, theatrical catechesis. The first part examines the 106 types of New Testament scenes and their 71 Old Testament antitypes. The following Roman Catholic dogmas were staged in Csíksomlyó: the Trinity; the Creation of the World; the Fall of the Devils; the Fall of Humanity; the Incarnation of the Christ (the so-called Heavenly Trial, Proces de Paradis); the Immaculate Conception, Virginity, Assumption, and Intercession of the Virgin Mary (Maria Advocata); the doctrine of the Eucharist. The theological teachings were cast in the form of human and allegorical figures and presented by the grammar-school students to a numerous and predominantly illiterate audience on a three-level stage, in mother-tongue performances of illustrative verse, in a style adequately sacred as well as easy to comprehend.

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Megjegyzések a nemiség drámáját illetően (2.)
Comments on the drama of on the drama of bodily existence (2.)

Instituto de Filosofía Edith Stein / Institute of Philosophy Edith Stein

Granada (Spain)


  • body; gender; mystery; power; transhumanism;


  • Our personal relationship with the body might rightly be characterized as dramatic. This implies the free choice between two radically different fundamental attitudes towards bodily existence. The consequences of this or that fundamental disposition are articulated in all spheres of life: religious, social, political, and cultural. Our contemporary society with its commodity fetishism and disregard not only towards being but even existence tries to avoid the real drama in which happiness as a divine- human community is at stake. Yet our bodily existence with its limitations unavoidably confronts us with personal and existential questions on how we deal with the tension between temporality and eternity, the visible and invisible realm of reality, the fundamental human desire to become more than human. When encountering the mystery that we remain for ourselves as humans, our response entails a choice either to reject the reality of bodily existence by enhancing it (transhumanism), or, on the contrary to acknowledge the gift character of the body (theosis).

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Műhely / Workshop

Árulás vagy átadás? Judás tetteinek értelmezése Márk evangéliumának a fényében 
Betrayal or Handing over? 
Interpreting Judas' actions in the light of Mark's Gospel
GRIGORE Beáta Aurelia

Babeş–Bolyai Tudományegyetem / Babeş–Bolyai University

Kolozsvár / Cluj-Napoca (Romania)


  • Judas; Mark; gospel; story; to hand over; to betray; words; meanings; Greek;


  • In our paper we will discuss a few aspects about the image of Judas the Iscariot, as it is shown in the gospel of Mark. On the other hand we will inspect the different meanings of the word παραδίδωμι, to try and see how the different meanings and translations of this word impacted the perception that we have about Judas.

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Forrás / Source

Mailáth G. Károly püspök 1930. december 24-én kelt levele dr. Vasile Suciu balázsfalvi metropolitának
Letter from Bishop G. Károly Mailáth to Dr. Vasile Suciu, Metropolitan of Balázsfalva, dated the 24th of December 1930


Babeş–Bolyai Tudományegyetem / Babeş–Bolyai University

Kolozsvár / Cluj-Napoca – Gyulafehérvár / Alba Iulia (Romania)