StThTr 24/2 (2021)

Tanulmányok / Research articles

Ószövetségi teofániák és a hívő istentapasztalat
Old Testament Theophanies and the Experience of God by Faith

Pázmány Péter Katolikus Egyetem / Pázmány Péter Catholic University

Budapest (Hungary)


  • theophany; experience of God; experience of faith; visibility and invisibility of God; tradition; incarnation;


  • Drawing on George W. Savran's analysis of the structure and typology of theophanies in the Old Testament, the present article seeks to identify the essential elements of the biblical experience of God, which together constitute a valuable criteriology and spiritual model for the experience of faith, and in a certain sense anticipate the mystery of Christ's incarnation.

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"Házát a sziklára építette..." (vö. Mt 7,24): Az építkezés metaforái a Bibliában
"Who Built His House on the Rock" (cf. Matt. 7:24): Metaphors for Building in the Bible
MARTOS Levente Balázs

Pázmány Péter Katolikus Egyetem / Pázmány Péter Catholic University

Budapest (Hungary)


  • building; symbolic language; parable speech; biblical social history;


  • Basic biblical motifs often link important areas of life: the concrete, everyday use of certain words gives way to another, symbolic language. This study examines some biblical stories and concepts related to building for their possible symbolic value. A reference to the building of cities, houses, temples, or to the "building" of the human body or of communities is sufficient to recognise this fact. Jesus' saying about the house built on the rock will be examined more closely in order to give a hermeneutical application to our own lives through some very concrete examples.

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A "mennyei hangba" öltöztetett emberi hang: A Tamás apostol cselekedeteiben szereplő "mennyei hang" fontossága a keresztségi szertartás rekonstrukciója szempontjából
The Human Voice Clothed in "Heavenly Voice": 
The Significance of the "Heavenly Voice" in the Acts of Thomas for the Reconstruction of the Baptismal Rite

Babeş–Bolyai Tudományegyetem / Babeş–Bolyai University

Kolozsvár / Cluj-Napoca – Gyulafehérvár / Alba Iulia (Romania)


  • Acts of Thomas; voice of heaven; baptismal ritual; baptismal eucharist; formula of confirmation; Amen; Apostle Thomas; Vazan; Mygdonia;


  • This study deals with the "heavenly voice" heard at the baptismal Eucharist in the Acts of Thomas. The "heavenly voice", which appears in two places in this context, is obviously a divine confirmation of an earthly event, and is to be understood as a formula of confirmation by the minister of baptism, which occurs in the liturgical practice (described in this work) after baptism and the liturgy of the Eucharist. Our detailed grammatical studies of the relevant passages, as well as the external sources consulted for this purpose, which were of great importance for the interpretation of our passages, have shown that it was the minister of baptism himself who, at the end of the rite of initiation, confirmed the completed baptismal Eucharist with a human formula of confirmation - clothed with the heavenly voice. The "heavenly audition" is therefore to be understood as a "narrative interpretation" of the baptismal liturgy, in which the emphasis is not on the mysterious heavenly audition itself, but on its "figurative power" in the plastic explanation of the consequences of the baptismal event. For the baptised it is primarily a matter of perceiving the "fourth dimension", the "sacramental" depth of the physically audible voice. The vox humana becomes the vox Dei for the baptised Christian.

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A gyermekkeresztség megengedettségi feltételei hívő és hitüket gyakorló, valamint hitüket nem (vagy csak alkalmanként) gyakorló szülők esetében
Conditions for Liceity of Infant Baptism in the Case of Parents Who Are Believers and Practice Their Faith, and Parents Who Do Not Practice Their Faith (or Practice It Only Occasionally

BAKÓ László

Babeş–Bolyai Tudományegyetem / Babeş–Bolyai University

Kolozsvár / Cluj-Napoca – Gyulafehérvár / Alba Iulia (Romania)


  • sacraments; sacramental law; baptism; infant baptism; liceity;


  • The present paper discusses the conditions for liceity of infant baptism in the case of parents who live and practice their faith as well as parents who do not (or only occasionally) practice their faith. It focuses primarily on updating the Church's legislation in this regard, analysing and evaluating it in the light of the concrete situation of families today. In doing so, I endeavour to interpret the requirements for the liceity contained in the §1 of can. 868 of the 1983 Code of Canon Law (CIC/1983) in such a way that they can be applied to the everyday situation of families in today's society.

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A II. vatikáni zsinat kihatása Erdélyben az Oltáriszentség tiszteletére Márton Áron püspöksége idején
The Impact of the II. Vatican Council in Transylvania on the Devotion to the Eucharist During the Episcopate of Aaron Márton


Babeş–Bolyai Tudományegyetem / Babeş–Bolyai University

Kolozsvár / Cluj-Napoca – Gyulafehérvár / Alba Iulia (Romania)


  • Eucharist; Holy Mass; communion; fasting; confirmation; 2nd Vatican Council; Aaron Márton; bishop;


  • There is a lot of uncertainty in the transition age. Old redundant frills and sometimes values also disappear and are replaced by age-appropriate values. The change in the worship life of the Church is unequivocal because it is about permanence and continuous development at the same time. The Holy Eucharist has been the life-giving soul of the Catholic Church since Christ to the present day. The external form of its celebration, however, has changed over time. In Transylvania, during the 2nd Vatican Council, the Catholic Church lived in a ghetto, but after the Synod, the liturgical shift in the celebration and reverence of the Eucharist also took place here. The Eucharistic spirit of Bishop Márton Áron of Alba Iulia helped a lot to make it happen smoothly. Nevertheless, actual cases reveal that the Bishop, too, had to deal with misunderstandings, priests who were willing to ignore all the rules. With his patient attitude and willing service, he tried hard to be the loving high priest of everyone, both of the caring, scrupulous priests and of the fussy ones, because it was about our greatest treasure, the Eucharist.

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Mi a mnemotechnika? Példákkal megvilágítva tanárok, papok részére
What is Mnemonics? Illustrated with Examples for Teachers, Priests


Gyulafehérvári Római Katolikus Érsekség / Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Alba Iulia

Gyulafehérvár / Alba Iulia (Romania)


  • mnemonics; computer science; mnemonic rhyme; mnemonic verse; mnemonic devices;


  • What are mnemonics? Explained with some examples for lecturers. As the title suggests, this article is about methods of memory support for studying and learning. Based on the article by psychologist Dáné Gabriella, the concept of mnemonics is explained and many methods of creating mnemonics are presented. After this scientific introduction comes my collection of mnemonic learning verses, which I have collected in the course of my lectures. The collection is arranged by subject: Holy Scripture/Bible (1-9), Church History (10-12), Calendar (Chronology) (13-16), Catechism, Doctrine (17-23), Philosophy-Logic (24-25), making a total of 25 mnemonic verses. The sources of the collection are given at the end.

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Műhely / Workshop

"Megalkuvók a papi palástban"
"Time-servers in priestly vestments"

Babeş–Bolyai Tudományegyetem / Babeş–Bolyai University

Kolozsvár / Cluj-Napoca (Romania)


  • priests of the peace movement; 'Catholic Action'; people's catholic church; priests of the catholic action; the session at Tîrgu Mureș; council of one hundred; time-servers; Endre Ágotha;


  • My paper introduces the Roman Catholic Church's opposition and action routed in their political insights against the intentions of the romanian state aimed to detach the Catholic Church in Romania from Rome and organise a people's Catholic Church. Endre Ágotha dean and parish priest of Nyárádselye has played an important role in the preparation of the schism, whom the Holy See excommunicated by excommunicatus vitandus for his work in the peace movement called Actio Catholica or "Catholic Action". Through examining the life and work of Endre Ágotha I'm aiming to uncover the circumstances and motives of the creation of peace movement and it's participating priests despite the explicit measures taken by the catholic clergy at Alba Iulia.

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Az Erdélyi Római Katolikus Státus igazgatótanácsának 1873-as újjáalakulása és dualizmus kori tevékenységi köre
The Re-Establishment of the Board of Directors of the Roman Catholic Status of Transylvania in 1873 and Its Activity in the Period of Dualism

TÓTH Krisztián

Babeş–Bolyai Tudományegyetem / Babeş–Bolyai University

Kolozsvár / Cluj-Napoca (Romania)


  • loman Catholic Status of Transylvania; Austro-Hungarian Monarchy; 19th century; Board of Directors; historical research; relationship between church and state;


  • The Roman Catholic Status of Transylvania is an institution that still operates today and has a long history. The present study reviews a slice of the history of Board of Directors of Status, which was a leading group of the institution. The research bears the peculiarities of church history research, using the available resources, taking into account the characteristics of the period as well. The text of the study contains excerpts from contemporary protocols and drafts, as well as archival documents. When rewriting, we retained the terms and the original spelling, as this way we can more authentically convey the thinking of the age and the ways of its official documentation. Given the complexity of the topic, we decided to briefly analyze church policy relations in the second half of the nineteenth century. In addition to the complexity of the study, the need for the analysis is also justified by the fact that in the second half of the nineteenth century and at the beginning of the twentieth century, for the most part during the time of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, many changes took place in the relationship between the church and the state, both on a theoretical and practical level, which had a decisive effect on the relationship between the Transylvanian Roman Catholic Status and the Hungarian government.

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Forrás / Source

Archívumi okmányok a csíksomlyói búcsúról
Archive Documents About the Pilgrimage of Csíksomlyó


Babeş–Bolyai Tudományegyetem / Babeş–Bolyai University

Kolozsvár / Cluj-Napoca – Gyulafehérvár / Alba Iulia (Romania)

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    Recenzió / Review

    Kuszálik Péter: Hosszú úton (Pro-Print Könyvkiadó, Csíkszereda 2013)


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    Válasz msgr. dr. Marton József nagyprépost úr recenziójára
    Response to the Review of Msgr. Dr. József Marton, Grand Provost

    SAS Péter 

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