StThTr 25 (2022)

Tanulmányok / Research articles

A farizeusok kovásza
The Leaven of the Pharisees
KOCSI György

Veszprémi Érseki Főiskola / Archiepiscopal Theological College of Veszprém

Veszprém (Hungary)


  • Pharisee; Sadducee; Qumran; leaven; Herod Antipas; Hasmoneans;


  • This study attempts to decipher the meaning of the leaven of the Pharisees. It first presents the obscure history of the Pharisees – primarily with the help of Josephus, but also taking into account the relevant passages in the New Testament. In a second step, the study then explores what meanings the Old and New Testaments associate with leaven. I argue that the warning against the leaven of the Pharisees is a warning against the ambition of Jesus' disciples to gain power.

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Individualitás és személyiség
Individuality and Personality
GÁJER László

Pázmány Péter Katolikus Egyetem / Pázmány Péter Catholic University

Budapest (Hungary)


  • individuality; personality; personalism; humanism; infinite;


  • In this study, I am in search of the limits of the Christian definition of the human person. I could have drawn on the ideas of countless authors, but I have drawn intuitively on the ideas of Emmanuel Mounier, Jacques Maritain, Béla Hamvas, Simone Weil, and János Pilinszky. The person is a dynamic being open to the infinite and ultimately to God, who is man's widest horizon of existence. Being a person inevitably implies the potential possession of the infinite in man.

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A gyermekkeresztség megengedettségi feltételei: a szülők erkölcsi életének kérdése
Conditions for Liceity of Infant Baptism: the Question of the Moral Life of the Parents
BAKÓ László

Pontificia Università Gregoriana / Pontifical Gregorian University

Roma / Rome (Italy)


  • sacraments; sacramental law; baptism; infant baptism; liceity; divorced; (re)married and irregular parents;


  • The present paper discusses the conditions for liceity of infant baptism in the case of parents whose moral life has deviated from the moral norms of the Church. We examine the situation of parents living together, divorced and (re)married only in a civil marriage and some other "irregular" difficult cases, such as people living in non-heterosexual partnerships and/or those from the LGBT community. This article focuses primarily on updating the Church's legislation in this regard, analysing and evaluating it in the light of the difficult situations of the families today. In doing so, I endeavour to interpret the requirements for the liceity contained in the §1 of can. 868 of the 1983 Code of Canon Law (CIC/1983) in such a way that they can be applied to the irregular situations of families in today's society. At the end of the study, I conclude with a recommendation: with a differentiated baptismal practice the priests could adequately distinguish between situations, evaluating each case individually.

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Az erdélyi katolikus oktatás kérdése a két világháború között a Szentszék és Románia közötti kapcsolatokban
The Question of Transylvanian Catholic Education in the Relations between the Holy See and Romania in the Interwar Period
ANDRÁS Szabolcs

Babeş–Bolyai Tudományegyetem / Babeş–Bolyai University

Kolozsvár / Cluj-Napoca (Romania)


  • Romania; Holy See; Transylvania; Catholic Schools; Bishop Mailáth; Pietro Gasparri; diplomacy;


  • In this article, I present the development of the Hungarian-language Catholic education in Transylvania in the context of the diplomatic relations between the Romanian Kingdom and the Holy See. My conclusion is that this period consists of two parts: Until the signing of the Concordat in 1927, the Holy See favored Romanian expectations in the hope that that Greek Catholic influence would grow in the country. However, the Concordat had no such effect, so in the second part, from 1932, the Holy See was more open to the problems of Hungarian speaking Roman Catholics. This turning point made it possible to preserve most of the denominational schools in this region.

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Márton Áron kapcsolata szülőfalujához írásai és beszédei alapján
The Relationship of Áron Márton to His Native Village in His Writings and Speeches


Gyulafehérvári Római Katolikus Érsekség / Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Alba Iulia

Gyulafehérvár / Alba Iulia (Romania)


  • Áron Márton; Csíkszentdomokos; religious education; communism; atheism;


  • The writings and speeches of Áron Márton clearly show his attachment to his parents and his native village. Leaving his homeland did not mean forgetting his native village and his homeland. As a priest and bishop, he remembered fondly his homeland, his mother and father, his brothers and their families, the temple of his baptism, his first communion, his first teacher, his school, his parish priest who encouraged his vocation, and so on. During the communist regime, the connection with his native village became even closer. In the summer of 1957, Áron Márton was not only forcibly relocated by the secular authorities, but inhumane means were used against the parishioners in his home village – mainly because of him. The faithful in Csíkszentdomokos also had to suffer for the great-born of their village. And Áron Márton could not help, he was in such a predicament that he could only support the humiliated people of his native village with his prayer. The mutual prayer – the bishop for the faithful and the faithful for the bishop – made trust and strength grow and brought the bishop closer to his native village and also his village closer to him.

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A papságra készület és a papi szolgálat közös eleme: élethosszig tartó tanulás a Szentlélektől
The Common Element of Preparation for the Priesthood and Priestly Ministry: Lifelong Learning from the Holy Spirit
KISS Endre

Római Katolikus Papnevelő Intézet / Roman Catholic Seminary

Gyulafehérvár / Alba Iulia (Romania)


  • initial and ongoing formation; docibilitas; lifelong learning; priestly formation; priesthood;


  • Persons called to the ministerial priesthood, both during initial and ongoing formation, should be attentive to the Holy Spirit in a disciplined way. The priest can be a life-breathing, community man through docibilitas. In this paper I trace the process of discipleship to the Spirit during initial and ongoing formation. Lifelong learning is important not only in the lives of lay professionals but also for priests and pastors serving in dioceses. To take an active part in this process, with vigilance of heart and mind, thus allowing the image of the Son of the Father to be formed in us by the Holy Spirit.

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Műhely / Workshop

A feltámadás (újra)értelmezése az ApCsel 1–2-ben
(Re)Interpretation of the Resurrection of Jesus in Acts 1–2


Babeş–Bolyai Tudományegyetem / Babeş–Bolyai University

Kolozsvár / Cluj-Napoca (Romania)


  • Luke–Acts; resurrection; ascension; Peter's speech; hermeneutics; Old Testament quotations;


  • Like the other Gospels, Luke describes the resurrection only very briefly. In Acts, however, the Lucan resurrection narrative is subjected to further reflection on what this event means and what follows from it for the emerging church. In this paper, I examine the beginning of Acts (specifically Acts 1:9-11 and 2:14-36) and attempt to explore how it (re)interprets the resurrection narrative of Luke 24. I argue that the author of Luke–Acts conceives and reinterprets Jesus' resurrection through two key narratives: the story of the Ascension (Acts 1:9-11) and Peter's sermon at Pentecost (Acts 2:14-36). Luke thus chooses two hermeneutical approaches, one narrative and one rhetorical, to explore the theological depth of the resurrection event. Common to both approaches is that they invoke the authority of Old Testament Scripture, which serves both as evidence of the necessity of Jesus' transition from earthly to heavenly reality and as an interpretive key to understanding the final chapter of the Gospel.

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Nonverbális kommunikáció a liturgiában
Nonverbal Communication in the Liturgy


Babeş–Bolyai Tudományegyetem / Babeş–Bolyai University

Kolozsvár / Cluj-Napoca (Romania)


  • liturgy; non-verbal communication; gestures;


  • The liturgy of the Church is accompanied not only by verbal but also by non-verbal signs. Indeed, the whole body and the senses play an important role in the liturgy as they help to deepen our relationship with God. There is a symbolic relationship between body and soul: the soul can express itself in the body, in physicality. The various forms of non-verbal communication contribute to perceiving, experiencing and communicating with God.

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Miért vagy itt? Az egyházak képviselőinek diaszpóra-tapasztalata a szekuláris egészségügyi intézményekben
Why Are You Here? The Diaspora Experience of Church Representatives in Secular Health Care Institutions

Babeş–Bolyai Tudományegyetem / Babeş–Bolyai University

Kolozsvár / Cluj-Napoca (Romania)


  • diaspora experience; hospital pastoral care; incomprehension; interfaith solidarity; field hospital;


  • First, we examine the diaspora experience of church representatives working in secular health care institutions within the context of hospital pastoral care. In the second part, we discuss the negative and positive aspects of this experience, with a special focus on the work of Catholic hospital pastoral caregiver in the Transylvanian region. The theoretical research questions were explored through primary and literature document analysis. The characteristics of the concept identified by Robin Cohen were then juxtaposed with a phenomenological analysis of the diaspora experience of hospital chaplains, and pastoral caregiver. Following Hauerwas, we can recognize the diasporic experience of churches in western secular societies. This phenomenon can be paralleled with the inadequacy of hospital pastoral care in secular health care institutions. The negatives of the diaspora experience include that the field of hospital pastoral care still searching for its place and there are many unanswered questions related to it. The phenomenon also has positive effects: stimulating inter-religious solidarity and shaping the Church's image according to Pope Francis' ecclesiological vision.

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Forrás / Source

Batthyány Ignác templomszentelési beszéde 1783. július 10-én Farkaslakán
The Sermon of Ignác Batthyány at the Consecration of the Church in Farkaslaka on July 10, 1783

Gyulafehérvári Római Katolikus Érsekség / Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Alba Iulia

Gyulafehérvár / Alba Iulia (Romania)


  • Ignác Batthyány; Farkaslaka; sermon; consecration of the church;


  • The sermons of the learned Transylvanian bishop Ignác Batthyány (1780-1798) have never been published. In the Archbishop's Archives of Alba Iulia there are several manuscripts of his sermons delivered on the occasion of church consecrations. The sermon published below was preached in Farkaslaka on July 10, 1783. The bishop explains the ceremony of church consecration using frequently biblical symbols. At the same time, he draws practical conclusions from them, especially pointing out the importance of the sacrament of penance and the obligation of the sacrament of baptism.

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Lukács István P. Mansvét OFM (1892–1958) 500. népmissziós alkalmának főpásztori, tartományfőnöki méltatása
Laudation on the Occasion of the 500th Mission of Lukács István P. Mansvét, OFM (1892-1958), by His Bishop and Superior

Erdélyi Ferences Gyűjtőlevéltár / Transylvanian Franciscan Collective Archives

Kolozsvár / Cluj-Napoca (Romania)


  • P. Lukács Mansvét OFM; Scheffler János; P. Boros Fortunát OFM; laudation; Transylvania; mission;


  • As a missionary of the people of Transylvania, Fr. Mansvét has made his mark not only in the history of the Order, but also in the history of the Transylvanian people's missions. The 500th missionary occasion was held in the diocese of Satu Mare, in the diocese of Nagykároly in November 1947. In his bequest, besides a letter from the Bishop of Satu Mare, János Scheffler, he has a greeting(s) from Bishop Áron Márton and from the then Provincial Superior, Father Fortunát Boros OFM, on the occasion of the 500th mission. These letters are reproduced below.

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Recenzió / Review

Diósi Dávid: Bepillantás a liturgiateológiába. Az emberkereső Isten felragyogása a liturgiában (Jel Kiadó, Budapest 2022), ISBN 978-963-535-042-1), 207. pp.

Babeş–Bolyai Tudományegyetem / Babeş–Bolyai University

Kolozsvár / Cluj-Napoca (Romania)

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